RUMOR: Simple Plan to be back in studio in 2017?

In a recent interview for La Presse, Jeff Stinco once again discussed the band’s future plans regarding touring and making record no. 6. Once again, Jeff confirmed that the band plans on skipping their usual time off in between records and head over straight to works on their next album. In this La Presse interview though, Jeff also mentioned that their Taking One For The Team tour should come to close in May 2017, after which the article mentions the bands wants to go “back to studio” – still in 2017. Here’s an exact translation of an excerpt from the La Presse article:

Although the album Taking One For The Team was released in 2016, Simple Plan plan on going back to the studio next year. “The goal is not to take any break.”

Now, while this sounds very exciting, we should all be very cautious about this rumor. Judging by the fact that this information doesn’t come from a direct quote, but from the author’s article, this could very well just be a misunderstanding on La Presse’s part, as they might no know that Simple Plan never write their songs on tour and they always start the writing process after their time off. If Simple Plan were to stop touring in May 2017 and head straight to song-writing, chances are they will still continue writing in early 2018, which would make them enter the studio sometime that year. It is very unrealistic for Simple Plan to actually hit the recording studio next year, as that is almost the last part of the record making process, and the longest part is always the song-writing part. Not to mention, there is always the post-production, which could take another [at least] half a year.

What’s good news about this news is that we now have two confrmation from the band’s side already that they actually plan on working on their next album right after their tour ends. That could mean a much shorter time in between record five and six, which in today’s oh-so-quickly-changing music business is nothing but a very good plan.