Vyzvánění na mobil

Chcete mít vyzvánění na mobil, ve kterém vám přímo kluci ze SP budou oznamovat, že vám někdo volá? Stáhněte si tyto melodie (pravé tlačítko - uložit cíl jako)!

Vyzvánění č.1

David: "Hey, Hey, it's David from Simple Plan. Someone important is on the phone, you better pick it up quick, cause it might be someone that you've been waiting for. Who knows, maybe it's me - and when I'm gone, I'm gone!"


Vyzvánění č.2

Pierre: *v pozadí hraje Welcome To My Life* "Hey, this is Pierre from Simple Plan, but your dad's calling. Asking for beer money!"


Vyzvánění č.3

Pierre: *v pozadí hraje Welcome To My Life* "Hey, it's Pierre babe, sweetheart, princess, your phone's ringing!"


Vyzvánění č.4

Pierre: *v pozadí hraje Welcome To My Life* "Hey, princess, this is Pierre from Simple Plan. Your mum's calling! Pick up the phone!"


Vyzvánění č.5

David: "Hey, this is David from Simple Plan and I love when your phone rings, but I don't feel like listening to it all day, you know? So please, pick up your phone! I think your friend is gonna be pretty upset if you don't!"


Vyzvánění č.6

Pierre: "Is that my phone?"


Vyzvánění č.7

Pierre: *v pozadí hraje Shut Up* "Hey, you lazy punk, get up your ass and pick up the phone!"


Vyzvánění č.8

David: "Yo, what's up? This is David from Simple Plan! Please, answer your phone! It keeps ringing and I bet the person calling can't wait till you pick it up! Pick up that phone before he hangs up!"


Vyzvánění č.9

David: "Hey guys, this is David from Simple Plan! Your phone is ringing and you know the simpliest way to make it stop is to answer it. Pick up your phone! So you don't have to hear ring and ring and ring!"


Vyzvánění č.10

David: "What's up? This is David from Simple Plan letting you know, that someone's calling you right now! I think you should answer this call, as you never know who it could be. It might even be me, so hurry up and pick up the phone!"


Vyzvánění č.11

Pierre: *v pozadí hraje Welcome To My Life* "Still not getting any, hey? So, pick up the phone and maybe you'll get some!"


Vyzvánění č.12

Pierre: *hraje na kytaru* I don't know.. wait..that's not right.. *hraje na kytaru* AAAh. damn it. *hraje na kytaru* Let me call you back, I've almost got it."


Vyzvánění č.13

Pierre: "Hey, this is Pierre from Simple Plan. Your phone's ringing - why don't you pick it up?"


Vyzvánění č.14

Seb: *v pozadí Welcome To My Life* "Hey, I'm ringing...Hey, I'm ringing...Hey, I'm ringing.." + Jeff: "I'll be ringin your neck if you don't shut up!"


Vyzvánění č.15

Jeff: "Hey, what's going on? This is Simple Plan! For real, it's us!" + Chuck: "Personally calling and asking you for one thing: the fur is for animals, not for clothing! So don't buy fur!"


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