Tag Archives: En Mode Salvail

En Mode Salvail reveals exclusive pictures

During Simple Plan’s visit of the “En Mode Salvail” show yesterday, the show’s Facebook page has been updated with three very exclusive pictures of Simple Plan that you can now check out below.

It’s rather extraordinary that the first one is out (even though it’s censored) – because if you remember any of the interviews Simple Plan did during their promotion of the SP book, they said countless of times that some of the pictures they couldn’t post in the book were the ones taken at the Playboy Mansion – so now you can check one out that also features Chuck Comeau and Frank Borin. The second picture is from the behind the scenes of the Get Your Heart On! photoshoot with the guys naked behind a surf board. And last but definitely not the least, we finally have a colorful version of Chuck’s old high school picture. Enjoy:

PHOTOS: Simple Plan on Top Musique and En Mode Salvail + new scoops

For Canadian Simple Plan fans, it was basically like Christmas yesterday as the whole band appeared on two evening shows on local TV channels. First, the members of Simple Plan dropped by at MusiquePlus, where they were interviewed for the “Top Musique” show and a couple hours later the guys headed to the Tele V studios for Eric Salvail’s “En Mode Salvail” show, where they also performed acoustically.

Check out the first picturs from the taping of both of the shows. Also, notice Chuck picking up the bass guitar on En Mode Salvail :)

As soon as the videos from the shows are anywhere available for watching, I will let you know. In the meantime, here’s two more scoops:

1. On Ca Commence Bien yesterday Chuck confirmed that the EP should be released either at the end of November or beginning of December and should include the final count of 7 songs in total (thanks Emelie and Charbel for letting me know).

2. While some fans expressed their disappointment with the more “poppy” sound of the newly released song, Chuck was quick to respond and not to judge the EP by one song and that the next (fifth) Simple Plan record should have more rock songs on it.