Tag Archives: press

New photos from interviews with Canadian press

The French version of Simple Plan’s new book “Simple Plan: The Official Story” is coming out today! The guys put a lot of effort into this piece of art that is documenting everything they’ve done as a band and before. A couple days ago they had many Canadian media come over to a hotel in Montreal and did tons of interviews with them. You can now check out 9 new pictures from this press day:

Interviews from press day: photos & video

Yesterday, the boys spent the whole day giving more than 25 interviews to promote their upcoming book Simple Plan: The Official Story. Below you can check out a couple of new pictures from yesterday that I uploaded into the gallery:

Also, thanks to Charbel, here is one awesome interview from Virgin radio with Sebastien and Chuck that is in English:

New information about Simple Plan exhibition in Montreal

As it was previously announced, from November till March, the Montreal Science Center is holding an exhibition about the influence that music can have on people called Musik, which will be featuring a special exhibit on Simple Plan, as a part of the celebrations regarding their 10th anniversary since the release of their debut album.

The Metro newspaper published a very interesting article about this exhibit today and reveals more information about the actual Simple Plan exhibit.

Here you can read an English translation of an excerpt from the article that Sab sent to me (and you can check out the full version of it in the gallery):

[…] Simple Plan fans of all ages will be able to enjoy the adventure. During the whole exhibition, all the members of the popular band from Quebec are staring at you from video-recorded sequences. In one on them, Jeff Stinco, the guitar player, encourages the on-lookers to try and play the guitar with him. “It takes practice, but you can do it too!” he says before he shows us the chords to play “I’m Just a Kid” or “Welcome To My Life”. We can actually practice with him thanks to an instrument set in front of the screen.

Furthermore, the fans of Pierre, Chuck, David and Sébastien will certainly be in heaven when the enter the last room of the journey, where they can view some of the artefacts donated by the band. They can discover handmade posters made by the guys back when the band was still called Reset, notebooks filled with ideas for the “Perfect” music video or letters from fans who thank the band for having helped them through tough moments. Such as Laura from France, 14 years old, who writes: “Alala Chuck! You rock the drums, I admire you!”

25 interviews in one day? Why not!

With the release of their new book Simple Plan: The Official Story just around the corner (the official release date is on November 8th), the boys are expected to do a lot of press in the following days, and also many signing sessions.

Today was a very big press day. According to Chuck, they would be doing 25 interviews today (while Seb said there was actually 50 of them). And while Pierre is still back home in California, Chuck, Sebastien, Jeff and David were the ones to be interviewed by media like Virgin and NRJ radio, V Tele or TVA.

Below, thanks to Charbel you can listen to the interview for NRJ radio Montreal (in French). The guys talked about meeting Steve Carell, the Pop disaster tour in 2002, where they joined acts like Blink 182 and Green Day and also about the Musik exposition in Montreal that will feature an exposition about Simple Plan.

And here are already a few first pictures from today’s interviews:

“There’s a little too much male nudity in Twilight for me” – Pierre in new Kerrang

The latest issue of the British Kerrang magazing has dedicated two pages to Simple Plan. On one of them you can read an interview with Pierre, in which you will find out for example that the Sean Paul version of Summer Paradise has been recorded via Skype, and the second page then has Pierre answering “This or That?” questions – and I think you can already guess what one of them is about, judging by the name of this article. :)

The scans of these two pages can be found in the gallery thanks to Hayley: