3rd anniversary of SimplePlan.cz

It sounds incredible, but today – August 13th – marks 3 years since SimplePlan.cz has been bringing you the latest Simple Plan news. If we added the 2 more years from back when this site was a blog, we would be on total of 5 years, but let’s stay at the official 3 years.

I’d like to thank to all of you, who have ever visited SimplePlan.cz, who sent us their photos, tips of some SP news or left a comment. I really appreciate it because without your help and support, this site could definitely not grow as much as it has for all these 3 years.

I hope that you will still keep visiting SimplePlan.cz as Simple Plan are currently in the process of recording their 4th studio album, so the next months should be filles with interesting news.

So once again,happy 3rd birthday SimplePlan.cz !