Another Patrick’s video/interview from the studio

Thanks to @MlleMayon for letting us know that a new Patrick’s video, from his programme Objectiff Coulisses appeared on the official MusiquePlus website. In the video you can check out what the guys from Simple Plan are doing in the studio and how very willing they are when giving an interview to their best friend… The interview is in French, but it’s definitely worth watching!

Aaaaaand thanks to Lea here is the translation:

First of all when Seb is entering the studio, he says : “We’re working hard!” and then you see they are playing the playstation and saying that they are quite good at it.

Then Pierre introduces the studio (in Montréal), saying that there is a drum there too and Pat notices : “The drum kit is not complete’! ” Chuck says that they actually recorded the drums in Vancouver with producer Brian Howes and that this drum kit is actually David’s cuz David is also a drummer !Chuck says that he doesn’t really know why David brought his own drum kit cuz they won’t need it and David replies : “It is to hear the acoustic!”

Then Pierre says they have accomplished about 25% of the whole work and Seb compares it to building a house, saying the drums Chuck recorded was the foundation, then the guitars David & Seb are doing are the walls and that they are only missing the roof.

Then Seb & Pierre are doing “You Suck At Love” acoustic.

Then Pierre says the album will be released next year, around February / March. He reckons they should finish the recording session around mid October. He adds that he hasn’t started recording the vocals yet.

Then you see Chuck throwing a cucumber at Pierre.

Pierre finally says that they want this record to be good, as usual. They wrote about 60 songs so it is taking a bit time to choose only 12 or 13 awesome songs for the album.