David discusses his vegan lifestyle at SPCA Montreal

A couple weeks ago, David Desrosiers paid a visit to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) in Montreal, Canada, where he got to interact with the local animals and was also interviewed by Marie-Noël Gingras. Yesterday, she finally posted this interview on her blog, and in it you will find some more information about David’s veganism, that he chose as a way of life two years ago.

Along with the interview, which you will find below, you can also check out some more pictures of David at the SPCA Montreal, which show us that David apparently cut his hair for the winter quite a bit:

How did your transition towards a cruelty-free lifestyle occur?

“Through a past relationship, I had already been exposed to a vegan lifestyle. But it was after watching the documentary Earthlings that overnight I entirely stopped my consumption of animal products. Once you’ve seen it, you can’t unsee it.”

Who were your sources of inspiration?

“In my transition towards this lifestyle, I was greatly inspired by a long-time friend, who is vegan (Instagram @veganforearth), and by the Australian activist James Aspey.”

How did your friends and family react?

“Really well! I even have a positive influence on my family’s eating and purchasing habits.”

Is it easy to maintain your vegan lifestyle while on tour?

“I travel very often due to my career. Contrary to what some may think it’s not difficult to eat vegan outside the house. Often, restaurant chefs enjoy the challenge of making a creative plant-based dish when the option is not already available on the menu. In addition, Indian and Japanese cuisines often offer veggie dishes. One of my travel tricks is to bring snacks, such as VEGA bars, to the airport, in case the options are limited.”

What are your favorite Montreal restaurants?

“Aux Vivres, mainly for the BLT sandwich with coconut bacon. I also love Lola Rosa and Sushi Momo, which offers all-vegan sushi.”

What would you recommend to someone who wishes to adopt a cruelty-free vegan lifestyle?

“Do it in stages, by taking small steps… and don’t necessarily copy me, by making this change overnight! Learn about the vegan diet in order to eat in a balanced way. Watch documentaries on the topic and get inspired by people who convey a positive message, such as James Aspey.”