First videos from Canada Sings

On August 3rd, the Canadian TV station Global TV started airing its new original singing competition called Canada Sings, in which glee clubs created on various workplaces (e.g. Toronto ZOO) are competing against each other and after each performance their skills are judged by Jane Arden, Vanilla Ice and Pierre Bouvier from Simple Plan.

On the right side you can check out one new picture of Pierre from the promotional photoshoot for Canada Sings and below you can already find the first videos from the programme that Pierre with his colleagues pre-recorded a few months ago.

The video below includes a short interview with Pierre and his thoughts on the whole concept of Canada Sings and an invitation for Global TV’s viewers:

The next video is from Canada Sings itself: the host introduces the judges and also interviews each one a bit:

And finally you can judge Pierre’s judging skills by yourself in the following video that includes one of the glee club’s performance and the judge’s comments (Pierre’s part starts at 5:30):