Jeff discusses upcoming documentary “The Event” on Radio Canada

Yesterday, Jeff Stinco paid a visit to the ICI Radio Canada radio station, where he was invited to talk about the upcoming documentary “The Event”, that he is producing and that will be coming out tomorrow, July 2nd.

The program will be documenting the behind the scenes of big summer musical events that featured performances of artists such as Louis-Jean Cormier, Woodkid, Éric Lapointe, Marie-Mai and Diana Krall.

Below you can check out some of the quotes from Jeff from this interview, regarding his upcoming documentary series, which were featured in the accompanying article on the Radio Canada website:

“We often see people backstage, moving boxes… We do not really know what they are doing. But in this program, we are interested in the human side, that these people live. Often, they are separated from their families for an entire festival.”
“I am less interested in the dramatic side of the show. I see something else. I see people who are experiencing challenges.”

You can listen to the full version of this (French) interview with Jeff from Radio Canada here and below you can have a look at a picture of Jeff taken during the interview: