Listen to Chuck and Seb karaoke to Katy Perry

The moment Chuck’s been dreading for the past couple of days is finally here – because the Mexican radio Alfa 91.3 finally released the interview they taped with Sebastien, Chuck and Jeff when the band was in Mexico earlier this week! What’s so special about this interview is that at the end of it, the guys got challenged to sing karaoke to a song of their choosing. And while the radio did not have any requested Blink-182 or Green Day songs the guys wanted to sing to at hand, Chuck and Seb eventually sang to Katy Perry’s hit song “Hot N Cold”, which means that was quite possibly the first time ever that we got to hear Chuck’s singing [no, ‘Holding On’ doesn’t count]. Kind of.

Check out the guys’ amazing effort at the 18:37 mark in the video below: