New layout on!

So it’s finally here! After more than a year and after months of preparation, here is the new layout of It’s not that different from the previous layout, so you don’t have to worry of getting lost much. The website is now completely transformed into a “wordpress theme”, not only the news section (as it was since December, when we switched from Cutenews to WordPress). Everything should now be much easier and just better.

Here is a little something about the new features on this website:

– for those Facebook maniacs of you, you can now “like” any post in the news section that you want and as such reccomend it to your friends on Facebook.
– in the right column, there is plently of new stuff like: a link to information about the 4th album, reccomendation of Chuck that this website is really “awesome”, new way of showing the upcoming concerts (also, after clicking on the link under the list of concerts, you can cehck out more info about each show – like where to buy the tickets) and so on
– a new feature is also the foot on the bottom of the site, where you can find links to our social networks and email, the list of most used tags in the news and also some links that you may need while browsing the website
– one of the links is a new section called site map (which can also be found under “domain”), which shows you a complete map of all the pages on in case you really get lost
– we don’t use the stupid iframe anymore, so now you can link directly to any page or post you want
– one of the new features is also the search, which can be found on the top of the website
– you may have also already noticed that the English version can now be found on this link – but don’t worry, if you still tend to link to, the website will automatically direct itself to the right site (btw the Czech version is placed on
– and then there are many new little things that you probably won’t even notice

The design was made by me and the coding was a job of my friend David to whom I thank very much.

So, I hope you are gonna like it. Enjoy :)