Sebastien’s Valentine’s Day story

Let’s start this year’s February 14th with a little cliche: have you ever wondered how the guys like celebrate st. Valenine’s Day? ? We’ve already figured from the last webchat that Chuck like the classis: a movie and dinner. But what about the rest? Sebastien shared one of his valentine stories (or just dating stories) with Mike’s Bloggity Blog and you can read it here:

People always want to know what it’s like to go on a date with a rock star – contrary to popular belief; it’s really not that different from going out with a non-rock star. After all, we’re still human – we still get the first-date jitters and fuss about what shirt to wear, or the perfect place to take her, saying and doing the right thing. There’s a lot of thought that goes into this kind of stuff.

Being in a band that’s always on the road definitely does not work in my favour either. We’re always so busy traveling that we don’t really have much time to go out on dates, so I can honestly say, I’m not very good at them. One date that has stood out to me actually took place about 6 years ago.

It was my first date since getting out of high school with a girl that I had known for about 8 years. When we met up for dinner, I was pretty sure she thought I was full of myself because she definitely showed some attitude early in the evening. Regardless, dinner started off well, paired with decent conversation and amazing food (we’re pretty lucky for that in Montreal). We were nearing the point of the night where it could lead to anything – either we go out for drinks or end it early and call it a night.

Unintentionally, I made a joke as she took a sip of her wine; needless to say, the restaurant’s fancy white table cloth was splattered in red as she erupted in laughter. We both got a good kick out of it and the mood changed from that moment on. We had a lot of fun the rest of the evening and the night ended on a good note.

I guess what I learned that night was, if all else fails, make sure you make your jokes at the wrong time, and that clumsiness and random spraying are things to look for in a good date.