Simple Plan a part of “Fix You” re-cut to help Japan


Few days ago, when Simple Plan visited Singapore, the guys attended a conference on music industry called Music Matters.

Not only the guys played a show there, but along with 40 other artists, they participated in a Music Matters project, in which they did a cover version of the song “Fix You” (originally by Coldplay), to benefit Japan, which has been recently devastated by a huge earthquake. The song, along with a very touching video will be released in a couple of weeks.

“It started with Pierre Bouvier singing on it and finishes with an amazing Japanese guitarist called Yuto Miyazawa. In between, it’s just beautiful. The way it was mixed, they have a lot of Japanese instruments playing over the top. It’s stunning,” said the president of Music Matters, Jasper Donat.

Apart from Pierre, the rest of Simple Plan contributed to this song too.