Simple Plan cancel their shows in Shanghai and Beijing

It is not very common for Simple Plan to cancel their shows, so when it happens, you can bet there is a serious reason behind it. Unfortunately for their chinese fans, it has just been announced that the shows that were about to happen in China – in Shanghai and Beijng are cancelled. The reason being Pierre’s medical condition.

Here you can read the official statement from the band:

We are very sad and disappointed to announce that we have to cancel our shows in Shanghai and Beijing. After consulting with multiple doctors, Pierre has been diagnosed with severe swollen vocal cords and has been ordered to go on complete vocal rest and not perform.

Chinese fans who have already purchased their tickets can expect a full refund and at least in Beijing Simple Plan will be hosting a meet & greet with the fans.

According to Chuck “Pierre is silent, resting his voice and doing everything he can to get better.”

We wish Pierre a quick and full recovery.