Simple Plan donate signed items for a good cause

In the spirit of the upcoming holidays, Simple Plan decided to donate some signed items to a couple of good causes!

The first one [which you can see on the left part of the top image] is a signed t-shirt for the Je Signe Pour L’Enfance campaign, which is trying to gather 100 000 signatures of their pledge in order to help the starving children in Canada. If the goal of 100 000 signatures is reached, this t-shirt will be sent to one of the randomly selected signatories. For a chance to win it, make sure to sign the pledge!

The second one [on the right part of the top image] is a signed photograph and a Get Your Heart On! CD, which Simple Plan donated for Kids Help Phone eBay auction. 100% proceeds from this auction will go to the Kids Help Phone, which provides professional counselling to young people in Canada. If you’d like to bid on these items, check out this website.