Simple Plan named Montreal’s #3 most pretentious band

After such a long run of quite positive news, let’s spice it up with a bit of controversy, shall we? In the June issue of Montreal’s magazine Cult MTL, the editors put together more than 150 categories of “the best” in Montreal, Canada that were voted for by the citizens of Montreal in April through an internet voting system.

The fans of Simple Plan might be happy to know the band has made it onto the music section… except not into the most flattering category. Simple Plan have been chosen by the voters as #3 most “pretentious band” in Montreal with the bands Grimes taking spot no.2 and Arcade Fire no.1 [interestingly enough, Arcade Fire has also been voted Montreal’s Best Musical Act].

Full Top 10 in this category can be found below:

Most Pretentious Local Act
1. Arcade Fire
2. Grimes
3. Simple Plan
4. Lakes of Canada
5. Suuns
6. Pierre Lapointe
7. Black Tiger Sex Machine
8. Karneef
9. Jonas
10. Motel Raphaël

In more positive news, though, Jeff’s bar Philémon has received quite favourable positions in three categories: #8 in “Best Fancy Bar/Club”, #6 in “Best 5 à 7” and #5 in “Best Wine Bar”.

What is your stand on these results? What do you think makes some of the citizens of Montreal feel Simple Plan are a pretentious band? What would your votes look like? Let me know in the comments!