Simple Plan work on a secret project, Chuck teases

Today, Chuck teased his fans on Twitter with a very mysterious new message, saying: “This morning Pierre Bouvier and I had to get up at 5:30am to Skype with a secret guest from a secret location for a secret project.”

So, the biggest question now is: what exactly are the Simple Plan guys up to?

Judging by the fact the guys had to get up super-early for the Skype call, we can assume that the mysterious guest probably isn’t from anywhere near their time-zone, which leaves us with Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Could this be about some possible new collaboration? Or something about the upcoming EP or DVD? Or perhaps even some secret show somewhere on the Earth?

Let’s hope we’ll get all these questions answered soon. What are your guesses?

Upadate: (Feb 5th 2012)

Pierre also mentioned the secret project in one of his tweets from last night, when he wrote: “Working on 2 exciting projects right now!!! Both of which I can’t speak of just yet… Fun stuff! Can’t wait to fill you all in!”

So it looks like we not only have one, but two secret projects that the guys are working on and we can look forward to. Let us know about YOUR ideas on what these secret projects could be about!