Two more interviews from the book promotion

Thanks to Anne-Sophie and Charbel, here are two more interviews from last Tuesday regarding the new Simple Plan book. In the first one for Fan Club – Vrak TV, you will find out which member kept leaving the band in the early beginnings and the second interview for TVA reveals more pages from the book.

Interviewer: After 10 years, how do you guys not get on each others’ nerves?
Seb: We actually do get on each others’ nerves. Just not that often anymore…
David: The key is to do interviews without Pierre, everything turns out well when Pierre’s not here. [laughs]

Chuck: I just remembered a story we should have had in the book: It was when Jeff, before we got sign, kept leaving the band every week [laughs] he kept leaving, he would smash his guitar on the ground, kept saying “I’m leaving!” and would walk to the train station…
David: We had to run after him…
Jeff: I thought the band had a lack of character, so I was kind of developing theirs. [laughs]

Interviewer: What’s Simple Plan’s biggest hit for you guys?
Jeff: Well “Perfect” is the one all of our fans are singing at our shows.
Seb: I think there’s always something special in “Crazy”. It really reflects our society, and I always thought it was well written.
David: For me it’s “Astronaut” … yep.
Jeff: It’s definitely one of our best songs.
Chuck: We have lots of fans who come up to us and tell us that if it wasn’t for songs like “Welcome To My Life”, “Perfect”, “Save You” they wouldn’t be here, and it means a lot me to know that these songs mean a lot to them.

Interviewer: Now I want to know what the (next) book is going to like at your 20 years?
Seb: Hopefully bigger! And less ridiculous pictures of us.
Jeff: I just hope we don’t look like this! (shows old version of SP in SNGA) [laughs]

Interviewer: Well we wish you a great week and hope to see you more often here in Montreal!

Chuck: We placed ourselves in our fans’ shoes and thought to ourselves, what would they wanna see, maybe there are things we don’t wanna show that they wanna read about.
Jeff: We also wanted to tell the story, people ask us how it all began how it happened, and some people have different ideas, that it was pretty easy, one day to the other. We wanted to show them that it wasn’t that simple, there were lots of accidents that brought us were we are today.

Interview: You were rejected a lot in the beginning, what do you guys feel like saying now that you have an international career?
Jeff: It’s like when you’re rejected by a girl, you flirt with her a bit at first and then years later you see the person again and she’s suddenly interested and you say “Wow wait you already said no 10 years ago” there’s a bit of that feeling involved. But me it still shocks me to see these letters, because those moments were so intense, we really thought we made it but we didn’t just yet.
Chuck: This book is the best celebration we could offer ourselves for the ten years. We’re always on tour and it’s hard for us to take the time to look back.

Jeff: For me it’s important to keep making music, to keep moving forward. We’re going to India, and lots of new places we’ve never been to. So for me it’s important to keep going.