Two more opening acts for Simple Plan’s tour in Japan revealed

At this time, the members of Simple Plan are slowly saying goodbyes to their families and already heading to the airport to catch their planes to Japan, where they will spend the upcoming week, appearing in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya.

For a number of weeks, the Japanese fans have been aware that the Canadian duo USS will be accompanying Simple Plan on the whole tour in Japan and it was also announced that besides them, the shows in Nagoya (October 16th) and Tokyo (October 18th) will also welcome a second opening act – a local band called Dizzy Sunfist.

But they won’t be the only ones! Creativeman Productions, who is the promoting agency of the Japanese tour has now revealed two more opening bands, who will become the second opening act next to USS on the remaining two Japanese dates. At the show in Tokyo on October 17th, fans can now expect the Japanese band Secret 7 Line and Osaka on October 20th will welcome Blue Encount.

Check out more information about the upcoming Japanese tour in the Tour section.